Wednesday, July 23, 2008

News Coverage

[Update] James Wagner Au wrote a very nice article on GigaOm. Although Josh should get the credit for PlayCrafter looking so good, I am but the interaction designer (so I'll take credit for the "intuitive feel of the building experience" ;-)...)

James Wagner Au on GigaOm: "[...] what impressed Om and I most was the site’s whimsical beauty. [...] I particularly liked the intuitive feel of the building experience, and the robustness of its internal physics — an element that should appeal to all the hundreds of thousands of gamers who embraced Line Rider."

We are getting some nice news coverage:

Marshall Kirkpatrick on ReadWriteWeb: "PlayCrafter is another example of the way the new web is enabling users to become creators and blowing up the world of content options everyone has to engage with. We love this kind of stuff."

Phil Elliott on "PlayCrafter is attempting to address the problem of offering users a comprehensive set of tools, while at the same time keeping the editor accessible [...]"

Ryan Stewart, Evangelist for Adobe: "The games are fun, the interface is nice, and the application is very impressive. "

Raph Koster: "[...] they almost force a game grammar approach to things, in a way."

Remedy: "Lets even the most inexperienced 'programmer' create something of their very own."

And a mention in a post on Player Created Content on Kim Pallister's blog.

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